UPDATE: Here’s a newer blog post on what features should be in GrandCentral 2.0. You can add your suggestions too. I became a beta tester for Google’s GrandCentral more than a year ago. Since Google has done little to publicize its telephony service, here’s a brief explanation of what GrandCentral is. It’s a unified messaging […]
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How “Groundswell” is Changing My View of Online Marketing
I have been spending the weekend reading the recent book, “Groundswell” by Forrester Research analysts Charlene Li and Josh Bernoff. I know I am not the first to write a review/response to this book, but hopefully I will be able add something to the discussion. The premise of the book is that social networking is […]
LinkedIn Wish List
LinkedIn is one of my favorite sites, so it’s with a bit of remorse that I write this post. The truth is, I wish LinkedIn did a few things better. RSS feeds: I wish I could get RSS feeds for LinkedIn Answers. I would love to be able to spend a half hour a day […]
How Dropbox Changes My Workflow
I have been using Dropbox for the past few weeks or so and I am now a big fan! Dropbox is a utility which creates a virtual storage area for your files. It’s not a new idea. I’ve used a variety of products, ranging from GMail (sending myself files and documents I want to […]
Getting Things Done (GTD) on an iPhone 2.0 and Leopard
This is a follow-up to a blog post I wrote last year, about using GTD with Outlook 2007. (Find out more about me here). That post got a lot of feedback and seemed to generate readership. It was wonderful to have a dialogue with developers working on solutions and with Outlook users looking for a […]